C.S.R. (Corporate Social Responsability)

In a world where nature and the climate are under great pressure, we want to contribute to the solution and not to the problem.

Create! aims to operate completely climate neutral by 2030. To achieve those ambitious goals, we have also drawn up ambitious plans.

Energy consumption
Our recently completed new construction hall is equipped with many energy-saving features, such as extra insulation, so that there is hardly any heat loss in our warehouses. In addition, solar panels and a heat pump will be installed on a short term in order to realize a completely climate neutral hall.

Material use
Most of the scenery and constructions we build are of a temporary nature. We therefore find it extra important that we handle (raw) materials with care in order to generate as little (unnecessary) residual waste as possible. Not only do we try to design as much decor as possible in such a way that it can be reused, we also take into account the choice of specific materials and their efficient use. For example, plate calculations are made in advance, so that plates are milled as efficiently as possible. The sawdust released during milling is used in local agriculture. In this way, hardly any residual waste is created.

As an international decor partner, we make quite a few miles on the road a year. Thanks to our universal work protocol, we can quickly and easily train local people to build our structures, so we don’t have to fly around the world with large teams. If projects are more than 1.5 hours away, we will spend the night in the vicinity of the location. We only transport material with Euro-6 trucks. In this way we ensure that our ecological footprint is minimal.

Let’s create amazing things together.

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